The Challenge

Qualia needed to create a simple, yet effective, online training program to relieve the customer success team from carrying the full customer education experience on their own.

The Solution

Skilljar worked with Qualia to launch a training program with multiple educational modules for different roles and built-in Salesforce integration to track account level performance.

The Results

Qualia’s Customer Success Team increased productivity by 30%

After a ton of research, I believe Skilljar is the premier customer facing LMS. A week after launching our beta, I felt confident estimating that my team’s productivity would increase by at least 30 percent, and it certainly has. With our thousands of active accounts that use Qualia for their companies’ mission-critical needs, our CS organization is now able to drive engagement on the LMS rather than reinvent the wheel with each new conversation. It’s lifted an enormous weight from their shoulders.

— Adam Baratz, Vice President of Customer Success, Qualia


Qualia is a real estate technology platform that is completely redefining how homes are bought and sold by streamlining the home closing experience end-to-end and removing the stress from home buying.


Enterprise Software - Real Estate




San Francisco, CA

Top Metrics

Qualia’s Customer Success Team increased productivity by 30%

Customer Website

Real Estate Software Firm Increases Customer Success Productivity by 30% with Customer Training Platform


Qualia’s Title, Escrow & Closing Software is the fastest growing settlement software platform
in the country. However, the real estate closing process is complicated and prior to partnering with Skilljar, Qualia had no formal training program to effectively bring customers up-to-speed as fast they desired.

When it came to onboarding new customers, customer success team members connected one-on-one with clients, a time-consuming and inconsistent method for customer education. Qualia struggled without a stable, consistent training structure and did not have any metrics to understand how customers were absorbing the training and product-related information.

Qualia needed to create a simple, yet effective, online training program to relieve the customer success team from carrying the full customer education experience on their own.


  • Automate the onboarding process and scale resources
  • Reduce churn, accelerate onboarding and ensure a consistent training experience
  • Free up customer success resources to focus more on acute customer issues
  • Increase customer satisfaction and retention rates
  • Automate the process for training existing customers on new Qualia tools and capabilities


Understanding that Qualia’s users are often switching from outdated software that forced inefficient habits, Skilljar worked with Qualia to launch a SSO-protected platform with built-in Salesforce integration and the capability to track account level performance to ensure new users could fully take advantage of the breadth of Qualia features. The platform is tailored to offer different training modules to different job roles, ensuring employees receive the most relevant subjects.


In the past, account managers were spending nearly half of their time conducting training. Within the first week of launching its beta platform, Qualia increased the productivity level of its customer success team by an estimated 30 percent, enabling these managers to focus more deeply on their accounts for the maximum value-add.

And within just one month of launch, Qualia achieved:

  • Nearly 1,000 course registrations
  • 350 active students with 600+ hours of session time

If you are a Skilljar customer and have a success story to share, email us at Not a customer yet? Request a demo.