Easily integrate all of your education data into your business intelligence tool of choice for direct access and custom queries. Skilljar’s Data Connector is a customer-specific PostgreSQL database hosted on Amazon Web Services.
Customer Relationship Management
Seamlessly merge your training data with your CRM, in real time, to uncover actionable insights for your training program.
Marketing & Sales Process Automation
Automate marketing and sales emails and campaigns based on learning behaviors.
Content Management Systems
Create engaging, interactive courses and knowledge assessments with embedded multimedia content and conference capabilities.
Skilljar can deliver content created with web package authoring tools, including: SCORM, LCMS, and AICC. Additionally, Skilljar supports the embedding of any external content that allows iFraming.
eCommerce & Payment Gateways
Collect eCommerce payments for courses, course bundles or subscriptions using your payment gateway of choice.
Skilljar can be configured to leverage an external payment gateway that is not listed above through an integration with our APIs.
Customer Experience
Incorporate training into support queries, customer health scores, and community engagement networks to build a comprehensive education ecosystem.
Secure Access & Authentication
Provide seamless access to Skilljar via Single Sign On with your identity provider of choice, and pass additional information you may already know about your users to cater their experience on login.
Skilljar provides support for OAuth 2.0, SAML 2.0, and token-based APIs for Single-Sign-On.
Business Intelligence & Workflows
Collaborate with other departments and ensure Customer Education tools, benefits and data are shared throughout your organization for the greatest business impact.
Skilljar offers the option to add custom Javascript that loads on every page to support integrations with additional data services not listed above.
Data Connector
Dynamically push and pull data to and from Skilljar by leveraging the Skilljar REST API. Common use cases include enrolling users in courses, relaying external training activity, or receiving webhook notifications in real time for training events such as course registrations and completions.